Know that feeling when everything’s just getting too much? When the thought of everything you have to do causes pressure and tension? A lot is required of both students and staff at universities. And we don’t always feel up to requirements. This results in stress. To provide assistance with this, Prof. Dr. Schworm and her team have introduced an innovative project for the University of Regensburg – Paws2Study. The idea is for the well-being of students and staff to be improved with the help of animals.
You’re a visual learner. We only use 10% of our brains. Best teaching is value neutral. Educational myths often appear in the form of phrases and platitudes. Although many of these questionable beliefs about…
Guest Articles Teaching Tips
Mindfulness in teaching: How conscious presence enhances teaching at university
The degree of perceived stress in our society has been continually rising for years – and that includes the academic arena. One possible solution is to strengthen our mental resilience. In the following, we…
Guest Articles Teaching Practice
Lecture notes 2.0 – An efficient combination of in-person teaching and digital teaching
A multitude of high-quality digital materials emerged during the COVID pandemic, such as teaching videos, podcasts and interactive quizzes. Lecture notes 2.0 are a successful example of how these materials can continue to be…
Guest Articles Teaching Tips
We exercise smart minds – Exercise breaks in teaching for more concentration, more fun and better health
We’re sure most of you are more than familiar with this situation: after hours and hours of sitting at your desk or in the lecture hall, everything grinds to a halt and your body…