Portrait of a Teacher

Academic Communities and Pedagogical Culture

26. January 2023
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Academic Communities and Pedagogical Culture

In the fifth episode of our podcast, Birgit Hawelka is talking to Mari Murtonen about the topic of collaborative pedagogical practices to support pedagogical competence in the work community.


Mari Murtonen is a Professor of Higher Education Pedagogy and the Director of the UTUPEDA Centre for University Pedagogy at the University of Turku. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Finnish Journal of University Pedagogy. Her main research domains are higher education teachers’ development of pedagogical expertise in traditional and digital environments, students’ development of scientific thinking and research skills in university education, and conceptions, beliefs and attitudes on knowledge.

Time Stamps

00:59So, we all have an idea that being embedded in a supportive community is an im-portant aspect that contributes to pedagogical wellbeing. From an academic point of view: What does this sense of community consist of?
01:37Can you tell us a little bit more about these different aspects of pedagogical culture?
02:19 This difference between a student-centered or teacher-centered attitude?
03:55What you investigated more deeply together with some colleagues is the nature of pedagogical culture and its effects on university teachers. From your point of view, what are the most important and interesting results? And maybe especially interesting for us: Can pedagogical training change the pedagogical culture in the community?
07:51Is there anything, the community, the peers can do to support its own pedagogical competence and wellbeing?
8:44Could you give us some concrete examples for some of those aspects? For example, some approaches that have been proven or established at Finnish universities, at your university especially?
11:22Is there anything the university or the faculties as an institution can contribute to support wellbeing and communality?


Murtonen, M., Anto, E., Laakkonen, E., & Vilppu, H. (2022). University teachers’ focus on students: Examining the relationships between visual attention, conceptions of teaching and pedagogical training. Frontline Learning Research, 10(2), 66-87.

Murtonen, M., & Vilppu, H. (2020). Change in university pedagogical culture – The impact of increased pedagogical training on first teaching experiences. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(3), 367-383.

Myllykoski-Laine, S., Postareff, L., Murtonen, M., & Vilppu, H. (2022). Building a framework of a supportive pedagogical culture for teaching and pedagogical development in higher education. Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-022-00873-1

Rottmeier, S (2021, April 22). There’s More to it Than Just “Good Job!” – The 7 Principles of Good Feedback. Lehrblick – ZHW Uni Regensburg. https://doi.org/10.5283/ZHW.20210422.EN 

Vilppu, H., Södervik, I., Postareff, L. & Murtonen, M. (2019). The effect of short online pedagogical training on university teachers’ interpretations of teaching–learning situations. Instructional Science, 47(6), 679-709.

Södervik, I., Vilppu, H., Boshuizen, H. P. A., & Murtonen, M. (2022). Development of university teachers’ professional vision of students’ prior knowledge during a short pedagogical training. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 34(1), 7-24.

Suggestion for citation of this blog post: Hawelka, B. (2023, January 26). Academic Communities and Pedagogical Culture. Lehrblick – ZHW Uni Regensburg. https://doi.org/10.5283/ZHW.20230126.EN

Unsere Autoren stellen sich vor:

Birgit Hawelka

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