It’s easy to fake engagement with a subject – Dominik Lukeš on AI in Higher Education Pedagogy

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It’s easy to fake engagement with a subject - Dominik Lukeš on AI in Higher Education Pedagogy

In the sixth episode of our podcast, Birgit Hawelka talks to Dominik Lukeš (University of Oxford) about how artificial intelligence could affect the future of university teaching.

Dominik’s core role at the University is to research and educate people in how technology can make them more productive in reading, writing, and organisation. He is also closely involved with efforts to improve digital accessibility. His newsletter on AI in academic practice is published every two weeks.

Time Stamps

00:54How intelligent is artificial intelligence?
06:58Does ChatGPT learn while we use it?
09:26 How much should we trust the information ChatGPT provides?
15:04In what way can ChatGPT support academic work?
17:17Is ChatGPT actually able to write proper essays?
23:57What should we keep in mind when formulating prompts?
26:33What steps could be taken to ensure a responsible and effective use of ChatGPT in higher education pedagogy?

For more information on AI in higher education we invite you to visit our digital learning day on 26.09. & 27.09.2023. The registration is open now.

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Suggestion for citation of this blog post

Hawelka, B. (2023, September 14). It’s easy to fake engagement with a subject – Dominik Lukeš on AI in Higher Education Pedagogy. Lehrblick – ZHW Uni Regensburg.

Birgit Hawelka
+ posts

Dr. Birgit Hawelka is a research associate at the center for University and Academic Teaching at the University of Regensburg. Her research and teaching focuses on the topics of teaching quality and evaluation. She is also curious about all developments and findings in the field of university teaching.